As we approach the introduction of VAT in the UAE, we expect all our valued customers to be preparing for full compliance as of January 1st 2018. VAT is a consumption tax that customers are obligated to pay and dubizzle will be only acting as a collection Agent on behalf of the taxation authority. Learn more about VAT below.
- What is VAT?
Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax that is being introduced by the UAE Government, which will be payable by both businesses and Individuals.
- When will the VAT go into effect and what will be the rates?
VAT will be introduced across the UAE on 1 January 2018 at a standard rate of 5%.
- How will VAT apply to dubizzle services?
VAT will apply to services at a rate of 5%. Further details regarding VAT application on our services will be made available in the coming weeks.
- Is it compulsory to pay VAT?
Exceptions to VAT are only by law, and these are published by the Federal Tax Authority. There is a possibility for business owners to claim back their VAT payments, provided they have registered for VAT and meet the requirements. For further details, please visit
- Will dubizzle charge VAT on my invoices?
From 1st January 2018, all services provided by dubizzle shall have VAT applied upon their charges / fees in compliance with the provisions of the law and its Executive Regulations. Transitional arrangements will apply for contracts and/or services which span 1st January 2018.
- How can a business register for VAT and receive a Tax Registration Number (TRN)?
Businesses can register for VAT tax through the e-services section on the FTA website. However, first, they need to sign up an account first. For more details about VAT tax registration, please read VAT registration User Guide .
- I am a Business owner. I have registered with the UAE Federal Tax Authority and have received my certificate and Tax Registration Number (TRN). Do I need to share this with dubizzle?
Yes, once you receive your Tax registration number (TRN) you are required to send this to us. This is important for us to update your account details, and ensure that your TRN is reflected on our monthly tax invoice. The inclusion of your Tax Registration Number (TRN) on our invoice is required for you to claim back the incurred VAT within your VAT return.
- Where can I get more information?
We suggest you visit Federal Tax Authority website Federal Tax Authority website for more information.
- What is dubizzle’s Tax Registration Number?
dubizzle’s Tax Registration Number is 100052715800003.